

文章来源:网友投稿 时间:2023-05-16 16:09:01




  1.last where were you week (?)


  2.stomachache I a have (.)


  3.matter is what Gogo the with (?)


  4.was food what in Thailand like the (?)


  5.so candies shouldn’t you eat many (.)


  6.evening I to yesterday music listened (.)


  7.bank the to next hospital the is (.)


  8.bedroom was messy my yesterday (.)


  9.straight stop to the bus go (.)


  10.let’s out do go and sports (.)


  11.have yesterday classes you did (?)


  12.shopping the is mall where (?)


  13.this my books on morning were floor the (.)


  14.else is me for bad what (?)


  15.were you last where month (?)


  16.did come you from where (?)新


  17.helped he morning mother his this (.)


  18.food spicy the and was tasty (.)


  19.Jenny digging and well a Tony are (.)


  20.purple is your purse this (?)


  21.did yesterday do what you (?)


  22.much ice for bad too cream your is health (.)


  23.weather and cool dry the was yesterday (.)


  24.usually plant on the Day trees Tree Planting I (.)


  25.a comes circus here (!)


  26.there woods many leaves red the in were (.)


  27.I my grandfather the day visited yesterday before (.)



推荐访问:英语 连词 新开 英语上期末连词成句专题训练新开心学英语 英语上期末连词成句专题训练(新开心学英语) 英语连词成句专项训练 英语连词成句的题(附答案) 英语连词成句题目

